Welcome from the AMAC Foundation

Sunshine White

Chair, AMAC Foundation Board of Directors;
Senior Director, Strategic Partnerships, Delaware North

Welcome to the 39th Annual AMAC Airport Business Diversity Conference in Music City, USA, Nashville, Tennessee! I am privileged to serve as your AMAC Foundation Chair for this momentous occasion.

The AMAC Foundation is committed to fostering inclusivity and diversity within the aviation sector. It recognizes the immense potential that resides within our youth and seeks to harness that potential to shape the future of aviation. Youth engagement lies at the heart of our mission. The young minds of today hold the key to the innovations, technologies and solutions that will define aviation tomorrow. By actively involving them in this dynamic field, we not only inspire their dreams but also ignite the spark of curiosity and innovation that propels our industry forward.

Recognizing the immense potential within the next generation of leaders, we innovate through programs like Project (Leaders Inspiring Future Talent) LIFT, exposing students to aviation careers through interactive learning and mentoring activities. This year, we are thrilled to partner with HBCU Tennessee State University for Project LIFT, continuing our mission to engage youth in careers in the aviation and aerospace industries.

During our highly esteemed Celebrating Women in Aviation Breakfast, we will not only honor the achievements of women in the aviation industry but also announce this year’s scholarship recipients—a cornerstone of the AMAC  Foundation. These scholarships serve as a powerful tool for breaking down barriers and providing access to education and training for individuals who may face financial constraints. By investing in the education of young individuals, we are planting the seeds of progress, ensuring that talent and ambition transcend economic limitations.

We also invite you to participate in our other AMAC Foundation conference events, such as the Bill Walker Memorial Topgolf and Silent Auction. Your support in these endeavors is crucial in ensuring the success and sustainability of our initiatives. Together, let’s continue to make a positive impact on the aviation sector and create opportunities for aspiring professionals.

Our mission is clear: to engage, support, and empower youth who will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of aviation. Through scholarships, mentorship and the unwavering support of our AMAC members and aviation community, we are paving the way for a brighter, more inclusive industry.