About the Auction
The AMAC Foundation Silent Auction bidding is available at AMAC2024.givesmart.com. Text AMAC2024 to 76278 for a personalized link to the Givesmart site for all of this year’s available items!
We are featuring some priceless packages, such as luxury vacations in destinations such as Santorini, Paris, and Tuscany, priceless experiences like a five-day Golf Experience at the legendary Fairmount in Scotland on both world-renowned courses and exclusive limited edition liquor, sports memorabilia, accessories and more!
Bidding will begin at 10:00 am on Sunday, August 4th, and closes at 10:00 am on Tuesday, August 6th. Items will be displayed and available for pickup in the AMAC Gateway Experience Hall. All auction items must be picked up at the AMAC Gateway Experience Hall during the Auction Item Pickup Windows. Auction Item pickup windows are 10:00 am–11:45 am and 2:00 pm–5:00 pm on Tuesday, August 6th.
The AMAC Foundation works alongside AMAC and is dedicated to advancing minorities and women pursuing careers in the aviation industry by developing educational programs and providing scholarships to students who are emerging aviation professionals. The AMAC Foundation Silent Auction is hosted during the AMAC Airport Business Diversity Conference and continues to be an exciting experience for many conference attendees to secure quality experiences and items while supporting a wonderful cause.
Please consider donating to the Silent Auction. We kindly ask that auction donations be valued over $150 and should fall within a variety of categories, including high-end alcohol, plane tickets, gift cards and carry-on luggage, along with experiences such as family packs, theme parks, cruises, etc. Contributions to the AMAC Foundation are tax-deductible to the extent applicable by law as the AMAC Foundation is a 501c3 organization.
Interested in donating? Please contact Khalia Moore, National Chair of the AMAC Foundation Silent Auction, at foundation@amac-org.com. All donations must be received no later than June 30, 2024.
About the Auction
The AMAC Foundation works alongside AMAC and is dedicated to advancing minorities and women pursuing careers in the aviation industry by developing educational programs and providing scholarships to students who are emerging aviation professionals. The AMAC Foundation Silent Auction is hosted during the AMAC Airport Business Diversity Conference and continues to be an exciting experience for many conference attendees to secure quality experiences and items while supporting a wonderful cause.
Please consider donating to the Silent Auction. We kindly ask that auction donations be valued over $150 and should fall within a variety of categories, including high-end alcohol, plane tickets, gift cards and carry-on luggage, along with experiences such as family packs, theme parks, cruises, etc. Contributions to the AMAC Foundation are tax-deductible to the extent applicable by law as the AMAC Foundation is a 501c3 organization.
Interested in donating? Please contact Khalia Moore, National Chair of the AMAC Foundation Silent Auction, at moore.k@portseattle.org. All donations must be received no later than June 30, 2024.